‘Angry’ friends tear into man for visiting VIP airport lounge without them


A man on Reddit revealed how he refreshed and renewed himself in a VIP lounge during a long airport layover — but now he’s taking heat because he left his friends in the dust.

And they’re seething mad. 

“I’m traveling with five friends now,” wrote the individual on the subreddit known as AITA (“Am I the a–hole?”) “and we are traveling cheap,” he continued. 

“However, we had one long layover in an airport with a great VIP lounge.”

He went on, “The thing about these lounges is that they have free food and liquor. And comfortable chairs and shower facilities.”

So, he said he “told my friends what [it] was about and they all said that they didn’t want to waste money.”

The man, going by the username of “Ok_Fisherman5205,” then decided to go “to the lounge by myself.”

“I had some snacks. A few drinks. A quick nap. A long, hot shower.”

There, he said, “I had some snacks. A few drinks. A quick nap. A long, hot shower. And then I caught up with my friends at the gate.”

He said that when he met up with his friends, “my phone was fully charged. I was bright-eyed and bushy tailed.”

One traveler is receiving slack from his friends because he took enjoyed the airport’s VIP lounge during a long layover.

The man was also “a little drunk,” he admitted. 

He added, “When we started talking, they were [complaining] about the cost of everything at the airport.”

Then they asked him why he “looked so pleased with myself.” So he told them the details of “my stay in the lounge.”

This did not go over well.

His friend’s were very upset with their friend even though they declined to go to the lounge because it was too expensive.

“They had actually spent more on food and drinks than I had.”

“Two of them got visibly angry,” he said. “They said I was an a–hole for not telling [them] everything [that was available] in the lounge.”

Said the traveler, “They had actually spent more on food and drinks than I had. Plus I got to nap in a comfy chair and have a shower.”

As the friends continued to pile on, the man said he told them that “lounges aren’t a secret and that the internet exists.” 

And “they could have looked up the same information I did,” he added.

The traveler enjoyed a few drinks, snacks, a hot shower and took a nap.

However, because of the rift with his group of friends, he asked others if he was wrong for “paying for a lounge at an airport during a long layover?”

Fox News Digital reached out to a psychologist for insight into the behavior. 

Meanwhile, nearly 7,000 people reacted to the post — with over 750 people dropping a comment to the original poster.

‘Don’t gloat’

One commenter weighed in with a popular “upvoted” reply.

“With a long layover, lounges are an amazing hack. Especially if you want cocktails — airport cocktails can be like $30. Two cocktails and you’ve paid for your lounge pass.”

However, added this same commenter, “maybe don’t gloat about the great time you’ve had when you’re with people who had a rough time. Especially if you’ve got to travel together. Keep the peace.”

“A good friend would at least inform travel companions of the benefits so they could all enjoy [it] together.”

Other responders also called out the traveler for his “smugness.”

Another commenter took a slightly more nuanced — though critical — perspective.

The traveler admitted he was a little drunk and returned to his friends with a fully charged phone.

“You suck because not everyone travels or knows all that information [about the airport lounges]. A good friend would at least inform their travel companions of the benefits so they could all enjoy [it] together.”

And “your friends suck,” added this same person, “because you are not responsible for their choices and they could have asked you what the lounge fee includes.”

Continued this commenter, “I’ve traveled with friends before and had the same dilemma of them not wanting to spend the money.”

However, this person added, “I took the five minutes to explain what all was included — and then we all enjoyed the lounge together.”

Another person told the poster, “A lot of people have not used airport lounges before, and have the perception that they are fancy [or] associate them with traveling first class.”

This commenter added, “If you like your friends, knew they were money conscious, and believed this was a better deal, I don’t know why you wouldn’t mention that food/drinks/showers are included in the price.”

Said someone else, “Bet they won’t ever travel with you again.”

Another commenter offered, “Just be nice to people and do the right thing.”


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