‘And Just Like That’ I Barfed: Carrie Brags She’s Having the Best Orgasms Ever with Aidan, Now That Big Is Dead


I’ll be the first one to admit that I was thoroughly charmed in spite of myself by Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and Aidan’s (John Corbett) reunion on last week’s And Just Like That… I thought Max‘s continuation of Sex and the City did a good job balancing the euphoria of reconnection with the reality that Carrie and Aidan’s romance ended terribly (twice).

**Spoilers for And Just Like That… Season 2 Episode 8 “A Hundred Years Ago”, now streaming on Max, ahead!**

However, as soon as the cold open of And Just Like That... Season 2 Episode 8 “A Hundred Years Ago” established that Carrie and Aidan have been boning non-stop for days, no, weeks, no, wait…what? A MONTH?!? I found my positive opinion of this coupling swiftly souring. Much like Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), I wanted to pull Carrie aside and ask her if she was maybe moving a wee bit too fast. When Carrie declared she was having the best orgasms of her life now with Aidan, I wanted to scoot away like Seema (Sarita Choudhury) in the hair salon. Sure, I’m a sucker for romance. I like the idea of folks gleefully getting laid at any adult age! But something feels really off about Carrie’s honeymoon horndog phase and it makes me want to barf.

In case you’re new here — and by “here,” I mean the overarching And Just Like That... and Sex and the City fandom — Aidan Shaw was one of the two great loves of Carrie Bradshaw’s life. However she blew up her chance at happiness with him by cheating on him with her other great love, Mr. Big (Chris Noth). While they eventually got back together and were briefly engaged, they couldn’t get over his trust issues and her commitment-phobia. For decades since, some SATC fans have argued that Aidan was the better man and Carrie blew it by winding up married to Big.

Sarah Jessica Parker and John Corbett
Photo: Max/Craig Blankenhorn

Cut to: And Just Like That… The Max series opens with Carrie’s happily ever with Big crumbling. Big dies of a heart attack at the end of the very first episode of And Just Like That… and we’ve since watched Carrie navigate the maelstrom of grief. In And Just Like That… Season 2, Carrie manages to put herself back on the dating scene in earnest. She gets the idea to email a now-divorced Aidan and just like that, you could say, the two are back in the throes of passionate lovemaking again.

My two quibbles about Carrie and Aidan’s boink-fest basically come down to two concerns. One, I’m not entirely convinced Carrie and Aidan have worked through the trauma of their past. I mean, Aidan refuses to physically enter Carrie’s apartment! Which I get! But the reason why I get it is because I’m aware that he’s still got unprocessed devastation over the collapse of their romance. That has yet to be addressed! My other issue is…Carrie Bradshaw, you were a sex columnist for years and this is the best orgasm you’ve ever had? BECAUSE YOU FINALLY DON’T FEEL HELD BACK BY YOUR ATTACHMENT TO BIG…BECAUSE HE’S DEAD???

Carrie and Aidan in 'And Just Like That' Season 2 Episode 8
Photo: HBO

When Carrie literally asked Miranda if her power orgasms with Aidan now make her wonder if “Big was a big mistake,” I screamed. I totally understand Carrie’s logic but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. The idea that she was never able to reach a nuclear level climax with Aidan before because she was stuck on Big sort of makes sense. Still it feels icky for her to have spent decades in love with Big and years grieving him only to wonder if marrying him was a mistake because sex with Aidan is better now that he’s dead. I just feel ick about it.

And I don’t watch And Just Like That… to feel gross inside. I watch And Just Like That… to pine after the plush New York City real estate and to covet the characters’ luxurious wardrobes. I watch And Just Like That… to scream at my favorite Sex and the City alums for their continued foibles and failings. I watch the show to get swept up in a soap opera that champions sex positivity and feminine independence. I don’t want to hear that Carrie now regrets her marriage to Big because Aidan is making her relatively recently widowed vagina wet as Niagara. Take a beat, lady! You broke this man’s heart so badly he can’t look at your brownstone without panicking.

All of which is to say that things are going so swimmingly well for Carrie and Aidan in And Just Like That… Season 2 Episode 8 “A Hundred Years Ago” that I am certain another shoe is going to drop. And if it’s not a Manolo Blahnik, it’s going to be whatever shoes guys wear on farms in Virginia these days…


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