Ana Navarro Censored for 5 Seconds During Impassioned Rant Against Ron DeSantis on ‘The View’: “How Dare You!


We’ve seen Ana Navarro angered by Ron DeSantis before, but never like this. The conservative commentator absolutely reamed out the Florida governor on this morning’s episode of The View, tearing into him for his state’s recently approved Black history standards.

After the Florida Board of Education approved standards for African American history that included curriculum covering how “slaves developed skills” that could be used for their “personal benefit,” per CBS News, The View went off, with Whoopi Goldberg suggesting that nobody Black was involved in the decision.

“I feel like they didn’t talk to any African Americans, because we could have told ’em about the history,” she began.

After playing a clip of DeSantis defending the curriculum decision while claiming he “didn’t do it” and “wasn’t involved in it,” Goldberg snapped, “What are you talking about?” and exclaimed, “What the F?” before stopping herself.

“Let me throw it to y’all before I get in trouble again,” she said, but her co-host Navarro was just as incensed by the news.

Readily admitting that DeSantis and his “culture wars” have made her “spitting mad,” Navarro told the panel, “When he says he has nothing to do with it—” but her next words were immediately censored for a whole five seconds until the audio picked back up as she slammed DeSantis’ “lackeys and minions.”

Ana Navarro on The View
Photo: ABC

“He has created the environment that has led to this,” she sharply added, telling the panel, “Slavery was the darkest moment in American history. Our biggest shame. People got torn from their homelands. Men, women, newborns, put in the bowels of ships, shackled and made to row from Africa to America, then brought here and sold off like chattel. Separated from their children. Beat, whipped, worked to death, raped.

“How dare you! Shame on you people in Florida. How dare you try to whitewash slavery!” she continued. “And to the commissioner of education in Florida, Manny Diaz, a Cuban-American, that is like saying that there is a redeeming quality to Cuban political prisoners under Castro.”

She ended her remarks by reminding viewers, “When you don’t have freedom, you don’t have anything.”

The View airs weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.


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