American moms shocked by Scotland’s ‘baby box’ after viral TikTok


American moms-to-be are joking that they need to “get on a plane” to Scotland — after a Scottish blogger’s TikTok unveiling her “baby box” from the government went viral.

Scottish blogger Rachel Clenaghan uploaded a video of her unboxing her “baby box” at 36 weeks pregnant earlier this week — to the shock of American moms.

The box, which has been given to all new mothers since 2017, included reusable diapers, maternity pads, a playmat, a changing mat, toys, a toothbrush, a nail file, and clothing, among other items.

It amounts to around a $200 gift to new parents.

“The point in the box is so that every baby has got the same start in life,” Clenaghan told her 28,000 followers.

“And the actual box itself is made so that a baby can actually sleep in it.”

Many American mothers were quick to take to the comments to discuss the vastly different birthing experience in the US.

An item in the baby box.
Scottish blogger Rachel Clenaghan uploaded a video of her unboxing her ‘baby box’ at 36 weeks pregnancy earlier this week, quite to shock of American moms.

Clothes from the box.
Inside her box, which is given to all babies since 2017, included reusable diapers, maternity pads, a playmat, a changing mat, toys, a toothbrush, nail file, and plenty of clothing, among other items – amounting in around a $200 gift to new parents.

They received items to make the beginning of motherhood easier. The Scottish goverment started the program in 2017.

“This just blew my American mind. To think, the government wants to give kids a head start,” one shocked parent wrote.

“My American baby box was a $40,000 hospital bill,” another quipped.

A third mom said it would be life-changing for single moms in the US, writing: “If America did this I feel like parents especially single moms would have a way better start and wouldn’t have to worry and struggle as much.”

Others joked they “clearly need to get on a plane.”

A book from the box.
Many American mothers were quick to take to comments to discuss the vastly different experience in the US, saying they were “crying in American.”

A thermometer in the box.
“My American baby box was a $40000 hospital bill,” one wrote.

Maternity pads from the box.
The Scottish government started the Baby Box initiative to “make sure that Scotland was the best place in the world to grow up in.”

But it wasn’t just Americans, with several other moms saying they also wished the baby box initiative would come to their countries.

The Scottish government started the Baby Box initiative in 2017 to “make sure that Scotland was the best place in the world to grow up in,” the government website read.

“We believe that every child deserves the very best possible start in their life. And so, we made a commitment to provide every baby born on or after 15 August 2017 and living in Scotland with a brand new ‘Baby Box,’” it continued.

“The Baby Box is a pioneering Scottish initiative, with the box itself being jam-packed full of all the essentials needed to help new parents welcome their bundle of joy into the world — along with a few little extra treats.”

Comments on the TikTok.
Many took to the comments to say they wished the initiative would come to the US and other countries.

Nicola Sturgeon, the former first minister of Scotland, said the “baby boxes” was her “proudest achievement.”

However, despite the nice treat for parents and newborns, The Telegraph reported the boxes did not reduce infant mortality.


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