A reading list to honor Indigenous Peoples Day


The recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day took root from an idea planted in 1977. At an International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the Americas, Indigenous peoples first proposed replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day—a holiday to honor and celebrate Indigenous peoples, histories, and cultures.

Twelve years later, South Dakota was the first U.S. state to switch, celebrating Native American Day instead of Columbus Day, with the first celebration taking place the following year. In 1992, activists in Berkeley, California, encouraged the Berkeley City Council to declare a “Day of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples” on October 12, in place of the previously celebrated Columbus Day.

Although Indigenous Peoples Day is not yet a federally recognized holiday, many U.S. states and cities recognize it each year, on the second Monday of October, in place of Columbus Day. Indigenous Peoples Day encourages Americans to rethink the country’s history, and it recognizes Native peoples as the first inhabitants of the Americas.

“Native American people speak of the seven generations, where decisions and actions taken today must be considered for how they will impact the ones seven generations from now. To me, that’s what these Indigenous authors represent,” said Fawn Sanchez, a Shoshone-Bannock and Carizo-Comecrudo, president of Amazon’s Indigenous affinity group, and a senior human resources leader at Amazon Web Services. “Their experiences and beliefs come alive in a way that informs and educates others on our beautiful culture.”

In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day, Amazon Books editors worked with the Indigenous@ affinity group—an Amazon employee community of people who identify as Indigenous and their allies—to identify books about the experiences and heritage of Native peoples. Whether you’re interested in historical fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, or young adult books—or something else entirely—the team has a recommendation for you.

“Books serve as an incredible tool to learn more about diverse cultures and experiences,” said Sarah Gelman, editorial director at Amazon Books. “As we recognize and celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day, the curated list of books will help readers learn more about Native American peoples, their histories, and cultures.”


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