A Georgia Grand Jury Is Hearing Evidence Against Trump


A grand jury in Atlanta began hearing evidence today in an investigation into efforts by Donald Trump and his allies to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss in Georgia. If at least 12 of the 23 grand jurors agree that there is probable cause that the former president committed a crime, Trump could face his fourth criminal indictment as soon as tonight.

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The case, brought by Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney, is the result of a two-and-a-half-year investigation to determine whether Trump and his former advisers broke the law in their efforts to keep him in power. Nearly 20 people could face charges.

The investigation focused on five actions taken by Trump or his allies in the weeks after Election Day, when Joe Biden narrowly won Georgia. Those actions included phone calls that Trump made to pressure state officials to overturn the results, as well as the harassment of local election workers by Trump supporters, false claims of ballot fraud, a plan by Trump allies to create a slate of bogus electors and a data breach at an elections office in rural Coffee County, Ga.

The presiding judge in Atlanta told deputies in his courtroom this afternoon that they needed to “keep this courtroom and this courthouse open” beyond the usual closing time.

“It’s a sign that chances are growing that an indictment in the Trump investigation could come this evening,” my colleague Danny Hakim said.

For more: Here’s a tracker of all the charges Trump is facing.

When a fast-moving wildfire roared across West Maui, Hawaii, crews of firefighters in the town of Lahaina rushed to hydrants to tame the flames, or at least to slow their spread. The crews were distressed to find that the water pressure was far too weak to make much of a difference, and some hydrants were dry and largely useless. That forced the firefighters into an extraordinary rush to save lives by risking their own.

The collapse of the town’s water system, which was already under pressure from persistent drought conditions and population growth, was yet another disastrous factor that contributed to what is now the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than 100 years.

A judge in Montana ruled today that young people in the state had a constitutional right to a healthful environment, finding that the state’s failure to consider climate change when evaluating new projects was causing harm.

The case, brought by a group of young Montana residents ranging in age from 5 to 22, was the first of its kind to go to trial in the U.S. The state had contended that its emissions were minuscule when considered against the rest of the globe’s.

But in her ruling, Kathy Seeley, a district court judge, found that Montana’s emissions “have been proven to be a substantial factor” in affecting the climate. Laws that limited the ability of regulators to consider climate effects were unconstitutional, she ruled.

In its first guidance on how to handle the Supreme Court’s ban on affirmative action, the Biden administration said schools still had broad latitude to expand their pools of applicants. It also offered colleges and universities something of a road map for how to achieve diverse classes while abiding by the court decision.

The administration endorsed recruiting policies that target certain characteristics, including where prospective students live, their family backgrounds and whether they speak more than one language.

Like many artists who display their art at galleries, Lauren Halsey wants people to acquire and live with her works. But unlike many of her predecessors, she’s not just looking for the highest offer.

At a recent show, Halsey reserved some of her art “for people of color and public collections,” according to the gallery selling her work. She is part of a younger and more diverse generation of artists beginning to demand a greater say in which collectors end up with their work, including some who ask detailed questions of buyers before accepting an offer.

Millions of tourists have descended upon southern Europe this summer despite repeated warnings that a heat wave there is making parts of the continent unbearable or even dangerous.

But there are ways to adapt: If you are planning a trip to the region, consider embracing the after-lunch siesta and delaying extended outdoor activity until later in the evening. Some visitors have even opted to skip some famous sights and instead spend more time at the beach.

Worried more about crowds than the heat? There are often ways to avoid them.

The Buck’s Rock sleep-away camp in New Milford, Conn., has been sought out by generations of outside-the-box kids who are drawn in by its hands-on approach to the arts. For the past two summers, the camp has been run by Antonia Steinberg.

Steinberg, 23, is the granddaughter of the famed designer Diane von Furstenberg, and she decided to use her family’s fortune to rescue the camp — which was a childhood refuge for her — and transform it into a nonprofit. The camp said that 43 percent of campers were on partial or full scholarships so that they might have the chance to experience the summer as Steinberg did.


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