18 Travel Essentials For Long Haul Flights


Traveling to far-flung destinations is exciting. The hours-long plane journey to get there? A little less so. Be it cramped quarters, dehydrating cabin conditions or disruptive fellow passengers, long-haul flights can be uncomfortable.

Desperate to crack the code on better flying, I corresponded with four frequent jet-setters who are well accustomed to flying long distances. (After taking a peek inside their thoughtfully curated bags of travel essentials, I’m curious how I ever lasted on that one flight to Australia I took several years ago.)

San Francisco-based travel influencer Catarina Mello told me that long-haul flyers should dress in layers, bring lots of snacks and download all of their movies, music and books ahead of time.

If jet lag is a concern, Helene Sula, a travel and lifestyle blogger who travels frequently between the United States and Europe, said to “try and stay up [when you arrive at your destination] until it’s night time there! That is your best bet to avoid jet lag and hit the ground running for your trip.” Or, as solo travel influencer Ciara Johnson suggested, you can use Timeshifter, an app that claims to help your circadian rhythm.

Before your next big trip, consider flying like the experts by shopping their favorite products from the list ahead.

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